Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Pyometra in Dogs and Cats Veterinary Hospital Bucks County

A Pyometra is an urgent and serious medical condition that occurs in intact, female dogs (un-spayed). If you think your pet has a pyometra or are interested in spaying your dog in order to prevent one, please call one of our veterinary hospitals to schedule an appointment for a consultation. Pyometras can be life-threatening emergencies! Fortunately, for many dogs and cats it is treatable and for all pets preventable. It is said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, surely that is true in this case.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Lumps And Bumps On Dogs Veterinary Hospital Bucks County

As our dogs get older, it is common for Lumps And Bumps to form on or under the skin. Are they concerning? Is it cancer? Well, it depends on what type of cells the growth is made of. It is impossible to know with 100% certainty the nature of a growth or tumor without testing it. If you have noticed a new growth on your dog, or even an old one that you never got checked out, I recommend scheduling an appointment with a member of our veterinary hospital.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Hyperthyroidism in Cats Veterinary Hospital Bucks County

Hyperthyroid Disease is the most common endocrine disease seen in older cats. Untreated hyperthyroid disease will ultimately cause heart disease and cardiac failure. For this reason, it is important that all cats who develop the disease be diagnosed and managed. This is also a key reason for having your senior cat’s blood values checked routinely once a year. If you suspect your cat has hyperthyroid disease, I recommend calling a member of our veterinary hospital who can help schedule an appointment for your cat to be evaluated by a veterinarian and tested for hyperthyroid disease.