Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Pain Management for Pets Veterinary Hospital Bucks County

As part of a routine visit, we will check for any indications of discomfort. There are some easy ways to minimize pain. As a pet parent, it is your responsibility to keep an eye on your pets’ dental hygiene and weight as this may also be an underlying cause of pain. Proper nutrition and exercise go a long way. If you think your pet may be in pain give us a call at 215-638-1595 to schedule a nose to tail physical exam at World of Animals’ at Bensalem to determine what the best treatment is for your furry loved one.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

National Bring Your Cat To The Vet Day

 Today Is National Bring Your Cat To The Vet Day. A Perfect Opportunity For Pet Owners To Schedule Their Cat's Routine Check-up With Our Veterinary Hospital To Ensure A Happier And Healthier Life For Your Feline Friend!!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Our World Of Animals Veterinary Hospitals Are Hiring!!

 "Do what you love; love what you do." World of Animals' Veterinary Hospitals are hiring veterinarians, nurses and CSR's for their growing Practice. Please send resumes to: HR@wofainc.com

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Our Sunday Funday Charity Event Cancelled For This Year

It is with deep regret that World of Animals Veterinary Hospital is cancelling our annual charity event to benefit Red Paw Emergency Relief Team for 2020. We had hoped circumstances would have improved by now allowing our event to proceed in September but we feel it would not be safe or responsible for us to have the event at this time. We apologize for any disappointment or inconvenience. Please continue to support this great local charity and look for our event to return in June 2021.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Important Update From World Of Animals Veterinary Hospital About Continuing Our Current Safety Precautions And Curbside Service

Dear Clients,

In these unprecedented times, World of Animals Veterinary Hospitals has tried our best to keep our clients and staff safe while continuing to provide the care our patients need.

Although much of Pennsylvania is scheduled to reach "green phase" in the coming days, at least for the immediate future, World of Animals’ will continue with our current safety precautions and curbside service. We will consult with owners over the telephone and treat patients without the owner entering the building unless it for a pet’s euthanasia. 

Green Phase is not the same as Pre-COVID. There is still much uncertainty surrounding the disease and restrictions we must comply with in order to remain open.  World of Animals sees hundreds of patients per month, and the risk of exposing our veterinarians, support staff, and clients to possible infection is something we take very seriously.

Our current concierge service, lets us maximize the number of patients we are able to treat; this is very important since we were not permitted to perform adult wellness for several months. We are now doing our best to accommodate 3 months of overdue patients in a short time span.

If we were to bring owners inside at this time it would reduce our appointment availability as technician time would be spent sanitizing and mopping each exam room in between every client.

We understand the importance of the bond between people and their pets, and we know how much you wish to play an active role in your pet's care. We will welcome you back as soon as we are confident it is safe to do so and does not jeopardize your health or the health of our Team. If you have concerns about your pet's care, we welcome you to contact us. We will continue to do our best to help your pet live their best life and to provide the care and attention your pets need and deserve while practicing safe distancing. 
Thank you for understanding!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Lyme Disease in Dogs Bucks County Veterinarian

Lyme Disease is a preventable disease. All dogs should be given a monthly flea and tick preventative, year-round. Even in the winter, ticks can live in the environment and infect your dog. Even if your dog has been vaccinated for Lyme disease and is on a monthly preventative, always check your dog for ticks after being in a grassy, wooded, or sandy area. Places ticks can more easily hide and evade detection are between the toes, and in or around the ears of a dog. If you find a tick on your dog, be sure to call the office right away to schedule an appointment for an examination with our veterinary hospital.